
Server Information
Hostname Gridwerks Gaming
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 1 / 244
Location United States of America
Version 1205024
Platform Windows
Map Gridwerks Universe
Registered by GridwerksGaming
Registered since August 16th, 2022 10:33 PM EST
Last update June 28th, 2024 07:22 PM EST
Tag(s) Faction Modded PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Torch Vanilla
Vote(s) 437
Rank 8
Score 726
Favorited 16
Discussion(s) 3

About This Server

Welcome to Gridwerks Gaming!
Our staff is dedicated to providing players with a content rich and complex game environment that will allow for multiple play styles. Our main goal is giving you a new world to explore. This means never before seen planets, blocks, NPCs and more!

We encourage you to join our Discord so you can keep up to date with all of the latest information.
Click Here For Discord

Server Details
*Hosting with dedicated server boxes loaded with top of the line components.
*Located in Central USA with a 1gb up/down fiber internet connection.
*Experienced and active server admins that are dedicated to providing a great place to play.
*Torch & Nexus Servers
*Unlimited PCU

*Point based ship class system that provides balance to ship design.
*Balanced weapons.
*PvE & PvP areas available.
*Custom NPC encounters & loot!
*Completely custom planets and moons!

*All your favorite mods, with our custom in-house content growing all the time!
To check out our current mod list, click the link below!
Click Here For Steam Mod Collection

Server Settings
Character Inventory x10
Block Inventory x5
Assembler Efficiency x3
Refinery Speed x3
Welding Speed x2
Grinding Speed x2