Supreme Gaming Space Engineers | PVE | PVP Planet

Supreme Gaming Space Engineers | PVE | PVP Planet
Server Information
Hostname Supreme Gaming Space Engineers
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 40
Location United States of America
Version 1205024
Platform Windows
Map Supreme Gaming|PVE|PVP Planet
Registered by Pikmario
Registered since March 11th, 2022 09:38 PM EST
Last update October 11th, 2023 01:18 PM EST
Tag(s) PvE PvP Survival Torch Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 111
Score 5
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Supreme Gaming Overview
Supreme Gaming is a family of stable and long-standing Ark, Atlas, Conan and Minecraft servers, and now we're adding Space Engineers to our repertoire.
Our goal is to provide a one-stop destination for players tired of searching for the right unofficial server. As players know, the unofficial scene is plagued by quick rise and death servers that disappear without a trace, admins that exhibit blatant corruption, pay-to-win donation incentives, and lack of player communities. Supreme Gaming seeks to get rid of all that and offer an a unique experience, and we work hard to make sure that rules are enforced where absolutely necessary.
Don't take our word for it, join our Discord Server, ask around, and see for yourself. We have over 4000 members!
What you can expect
- Communication and Transparency: We will talk with players and listen to their issues and explain anything players would like to know on how we run, how we're setup, or anything else pertinent.
- Non-discriminatory rule enforcement: Play time, donor status, seniority on the server, etc. don't protect players from receiving the same consideration on rule violations than anyone else. Period.
- A voice in how the server is setup: We have frequent votes, allow players to put suggestions up for community consideration, and more. Servers are built for the community, and only rare executive decisions are made when necessary.
- Dedicated Machines
- AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X (32 cores, 3.7 GHz)
- 256 GB of dedicated RAM
- NVMe Storage
- Low Global Ping
Unlike many other servers, we own all of our hardware and are not at the mercy of under-resourced shared hosting services. This allows for the optimal SE experience while maintaining a consistent sim speed.
- 5x Player Inventory
- 1x Block Inventory
- 2x Welding/Grinding speed
- 1x Assembler/Refinery Speed/Efficiency
- Experimental mode enabled (including PBs)
Torch Plugins
- SEDiscord Bridge - Keep in touch with the community discord while in-game, or talk to your fellow astronauts while away.
- Multigrid Projector - Weld up your giant piston and rotor monstrosities in one go.
- PVEServerPlugin - Disable PVP outside of specific zones.
- Concealment - Dynamically disable grids far from players to improve server performance.
- Quantum Hangar - store your ships in the ether.
- BuildInfo
- Midspace's Configurable Max Ship Speed Mod (configured to 300 m/s max speed for small and large ships)
- Build Vision 3.0
- Configurable Vanilla+ (increased ship welder, ship grinder, ore detector range)
- Nanobots Build and Repair (Limited to 1 per grid, 5 per faction)
- FSD Supercruise

Looking to rumble, and dive right into the thick of things? Head on down to Saturn, our PVP planet.
Looking to just relax and build up some cool creations? Spawn anywhere else, where PVP is disabled.

Connection Information
Game server: (