Sigma Draconis [Expanse] [24/7]

Server Information
Hostname Draconis Expanse Lobby
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 34 / 200
Location United States of America
Version 1205026
Platform Windows
Map Draconis - Expanse
Registered by SigmaDraconis
Registered since June 3rd, 2019 06:11 PM EST
Last update December 12th, 2024 07:32 PM EST
Tag(s) Faction Modded PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Torch

Discord Server

Vote(s) 1616
Rank 4
Score 2671
Favorited 60
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server


The Sigma Draconis Expanse are a different breed of Space Engineers Servers run Professionally by Players like you!

We are running our Torch-based Space Engineers Servers across Machines hosted in a Datacenter -i9-9900k Machines each with 64gb of RAM. The instances can reliably hold 100+ Players(Nexus), at or close to 1.00 Sim Speed.

Constantly running for 2+ years with no wipe!

No pay to win, no "tech packages" - Skill and hard work will justify your success on our server NOT your credit card.

Server Description:

Sigma Draconis Expanse is based on "The Expanse"

Some of the main features of the map include but not limited to: The Asteroid Belt, The Ring Gate, the high cruise speed area, and geographically
variable difficulty enemy spawning.

Transit Zones where you will be able to travel up to 15,000m/s! While outside of these zones, you will be able to travel up to 500m/s depending.

No Jump Drives as they have been replaced by Transit Zones.

A Sigma Draconis Expanse Exclusive "Boost" feature to get out of those tough situations.

Ships will have “drive signatures” that can be identified by other players from a significant distance according to the amount of heat they are
currently shedding via thrust.

Three types of thrusters for different kinds of maneuverability, Epstein drive, Chemical combustion thrusters, and Reaction control thrusters.

Our own Custom Star Systems with Custom Ores, Modded Planets, and Moons.

PvPvE with 24 unique NPCs to battle.

Scripting is enabled and monitored for the health of the server, simply ask for the role.

Sigma Draconis Expanse Exclusive Blocks, Utility's, Models, Mechanics, and PVE Elements.

50k PCU Per Grid Limit, with reasonable utility block limits to keep server performance high.

A Draconis Wiki for anything, and everything you would want to know regarding the Sigma Draconis Expanse Server.

Server Multipliers:

Player Inventory - x3
Refinery Speed - x3
Assembler Speed -x3
Grinder Speed - x3
Welder Speed - x3
Cargo Inventory - x3

Grid & Player Max Speeds:
Large Grid Speed: 500m/s in Low Speed Zones, but 15000m/s in Transit Zones.
Small Grid Speed: 750m/s in Low Speed Zones, but 15000m/s in Transit Zones.
Player Speed: 810m/s in Low Speed Zones, but 15000m/s in Transit Zones.

Sigma Draconis Cluster Wiki Link:

Our Discord is Welcoming, and has dedicated channels for Player concerns. We also have an Automated Ticket System for Support. (Click the Image to Join.)

Server Video

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
2 / 28 Faction Modded PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Torch
0 / 28 Faction Modded PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Torch