TGC U-Pull-It Scrapyard Survival

Server Information
Hostname TGC U-Pull It [Main]
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 32
Location United States of America
Version 1203630
Platform Windows
Map TGC U-Pull-It Scrapyard Surviv
Registered by Singularity
Registered since April 4th, 2024 06:03 PM EST
Last update April 5th, 2024 05:29 PM EST
Tag(s) Modded PvE PvP Survival Torch

Discord Server

Vote(s) 22
Rank 45
Score 35
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Never heard of Scrapyard Survival? Check out the playlist by the scenario creator Splitsie here: to get an idea of what you can expect to find and the general gameplay mechanics.

TL:DW: Nearly all advanced blocks (power, production, thrusters, comms, storage, medical) are disabled in the build menu and must be scavenged from world. Use tools, merge blocks, weld pads, and even your bare hands to recover equipment and add it to your grids. Work with a team or scavenge the wastes alone.

This is a primarily PVE focused scenario but PvP is allowed beyond the starting planet.

1. No griefing. This game mode is hard enough without players harassing each other.

2. This is primarily a PVE server. The starting planet should be free from intentional acts of aggression towards other players. (e.g. fighting players over scrap, robbing/damaging players or their grids.)
Self defense from aggression by players or girds will not be punished. Active defense turrets on grids are permitted so long as the firing range is at least 500m shorter than that grid's beacon broadcast range or 500m, whichever range is furthest. Warn your fellow Engineers by adding [Armed] to your beacon's broadcast.
Beyond the asteroid belt of Satreus, however, combat/theft will be allowed. There are many planets to visit and plenty of room to claim territory. For now PVP is not explicitly disabled on Satreus but this will change if players cannot stick to the honor system.

3. Block Limits are there for a reason, any grid that attempts to bypass these limits may be deleted with no replacement.

4. Respect other players. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

5. Your Discord name should match or be similar to your game name. Help requests without matching names will be ignored.

6. No Klang. Don't be that guy bogging down the server for everyone else. Build and maintain your grids responsibly. Accidents happen but repeat offenders will be punished.