GURP - Roleplay Server

Server Information
Hostname Roleplay that is second to none - Powered by Glenism
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 5 / 50
Location United Kingdom
Version 1204018
Platform Windows
Map GURP - RP Space Engineers
Registered by Cowculator
Registered since July 18th, 2022 06:10 PM EST
Last update November 22nd, 2023 01:37 PM EST
Tag(s) Faction Modded PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Torch

Discord Server

Vote(s) 281
Rank 14
Score 469
Favorited 13
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Introducing GURP Season 4 – A new start for the Space Engineers Role-Play Server!

Only a few weeks in, join up now!

🚀🌌 Dedicated Hardware, Smooth Gameplay! 🌌🚀

🎥 Watch the Season 4 Teaser Trailer (Proper trailer coming in the next few days:

🌐 Explore Our System Map:

📸📸 Check Out Our Server: 📸📸

🌐 Server Name: GURP - Space Engineers Roleplay
📍 Server Location: Coventry, UK
🔒 Server Address: Join us on Discord for access; Password-protected for your safety.
🎮 Gameplay Types: RP, PvP, FFA, PvE, PvPvE, Sandbox

🚀 Newcomers, welcome to GURP! Join us in expanding and enhancing the Space Engineers community beyond season 3. Our server offers something for everyone, so come and be a part of it!

Tired of roleplay servers that turn into themed PvP battles? Join GURP and immerse yourself in a friendly, story-driven community!

GURP is your ideal roleplay Space Engineers server, fostering character interactions and epic narratives across multiple systems and factions. We cater to all playstyles, whether you're a battle-hardened pirate or a peaceful explorer.

🌟 Highlights:
Ship tiers and weapon limits for balanced PvP realism.
Handpicked mods for enhanced quality of life.
Unique in-house mods and scripts for a tailored experience.
Offline Raid Protection and Torch for fair gameplay.
Specialized rules for the ultimate Space Engineers experience.
Custom content, like ship scrap trading and unique mods.
Discover new ores, locations, and endgame blocks.
Beginner-friendly community with opportunities for PvP.
Deep, year-long storyline awaits your roleplay adventures!

Join our Discord for an unparalleled roleplay experience. 🚀

🔗 Mod List (Slightly out of date):

🔗 Join Our Server:

🔗 Say Hello on Discord:

5 Online Players

Rune, (Tamishvara) Barakah, Sandalf, Mikolaj, (Duubz) Edmund Drake