Cyberjaya (Asia) Survival PvPvE

Server Information
Hostname Cyberjaya (Asia Server) - lobby
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 80
Location Malaysia
Version 1205026
Platform Windows
Map Alpha Centauri Solar System
Registered by cyberjaya
Registered since February 28th, 2024 12:57 PM EST
Last update February 2nd, 2025 09:09 AM EST
Tag(s) Creative Faction Modded PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Torch

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 120
Score 3
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

The Cyberjaya Survival Server for Space Engineer Season 6 was open to the public on 19 December 2024. It is hosted in Malaysia to provide low ping for local players.

Chapter 1: Escape to Alpha Centauri
Xavier Drumstick, a graduate student at the Universiti Multimedia of Cyberjaya, discovered the first planet orbiting Alpha Centauri galaxy in 2018. Drumstick and his observation team detect the planet using Doppler spectroscopy.

After a few light years of interstellar deep space exploration, every human hibernating inside the cryo pods for long-distance journeys was navigated by the advanced AI blocks developed by Uncle Keen and was being raided by unknown Space Pirates (SPRT). Not all explorers managed to evade the pirates; several of us managed to escape to the Alpha Centauri planet.

Your mission is to survive and explore this Alpha Centauri Planet.

Our primary gameplay scenario is People versus Environments (PVE), meanwhile, we allowed People versus People (PVP), with no exceptions for protection while shooting the enemy or by the enemy (Friendly fire is on).

People versus Environments (PVE)
Suppose the player is interested in playing together for the Contract Mission in games. In that case, you can check who is online on the server perform a joint venture, and enable "Accept peace" in the Factions setting to avoid unnecessary friendly fire by weapon automation.

People versus People (PVP)
You need to go beyond deep space for PvP (to become a pirate) raid Factorum or any vulnerable players or complete the NPC mission.
Players have the right to steal your mineral, component or grid if your grid is not protected with Safezone protection. Each player is allowed to deploy one (1) safe zone, and the zone cips are craftable or purchased in any NPC orbital space station. This is natural for survival in deep space.

Planet Aligment

Mining Operation

Any mod installation is subjective and will be installed without prior notice.
We tried to develop our mod pack to reduce some technical issues such as the specific Mod was deleted and altered code without notice by the developer, causing a server crash or imbalance. Reduce some glitches or clashed or overlapped configurations between other mods,

FYI: any mods listed are suggested by the active player in the channel community. ⁠🧩-mod-lists
Each suggested Mod item will be tested, and qualified and compliance mods with the server will mixed with the existing standard mod pack.

Game Cycle
Meteorite and NPC will be a random spawn. (deep space)
The game does not pause when nobody is online.
SPRT may spawn and raid you in space. (deep space)

Please rename your grids before logging out from the server.
Any abusive activities may cause the server to lag, and the system will auto-remove the entire grid, resulting in no recovery.
We advise you to optimize your grid to prevent server lag. (when you see the SIM below 0.8, you need to do something to avoid server lag or crash), You can get advice from any professional or experienced SE player inside the Discord channel. ⁠☕-kopitiamse

You can reach our Discord channel transmission to communicate and get updates from other survivors.