AWL Industrial Expeditions Cluster - PvPvE

AWL Industrial Expeditions Cluster - PvPvE
Server Information
Hostname Dawn
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 40
Location Europe
Version 1205026
Platform Windows
Registered by MedGR45
Registered since November 13th, 2021 06:08 PM EST
Last update July 9th, 2024 10:04 AM EST
Tag(s) Faction Modded PvE PvP Survival Torch

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 71
Score 5
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

Welcome to the AWL Industrial Expeditions cluster!

Visit our discord at for full details.


This is A PvPvE cluster that focuses mainly on exploration, mining and expeditions in a friendly environment. PVP is also allowed, shields, better weapon packs, markets and many other features are also available.


Server Features & Details:

⚛ 16c/32t AMD Ryzen 9 5950x @4.9Ghz
⚛ 128GB RAM
⚛ 7TB Datacenter NVMe disks (120gbps)
⚛ 1gbps up and down dedicated channel
⚛ Ares at War solar system
⚛ Ares at War dynamic economy enhanced with custom missions
⚛ Mainly focuses on PvE adventures (PvP allowed but uncommon)
⚛ No set PCU, limits based on lag instead
⚛ 8 modded planets
⚛ Linked DiscordGame chat
⚛ Daily active players and staff team
⚛ Modular Encounters systems with all expansions
⚛ Automated restarts and customized grid rules
⚛ Voting rewards and player kits
⚛ And a lot more!

If you enjoy playing on this server, please consider donating through our Discord or at to help with server hosting costs.