ResGamingInc PVE All The Stars

ResGamingInc PVE All The Stars
Server Information
Hostname ResGamingInc PVE All The Stars
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 25
Location United Kingdom
Version 1205026
Platform Windows
Map ResGamingInc PVE All The Stars
Registered by reserect
Registered since November 16th, 2020 07:50 AM EST
Last update December 18th, 2023 07:00 PM EST
Tag(s) Faction Modded PvE Survival Torch

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 60
Score 6
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

motd for the ResGamingInc PVE All The Stars
/map umap show (Toggles map display On/Off)
Block Limits
60000 MaxBlocksPerPlayer
31000 Blocks each Large grid
20000 Blocks each Small Grid
Other Block Limits will warn you over time
X Planets Mod
Block Limits
Grids must be 20 blocks or more And have a Vanilla Antenna with power to avoid cleanups
Things To know
Please Rename any Grids you make. Add a Vanilla Antenna Use a Rotor for a smaller Antenna on large grids.
If you have issues with the grid please use !fixship "Gridnamehere". Q-Tech Ore detectors got removed by it's creator
If you Do not like some block limits please check block limits link on the MOTD some have not been added yet Also Check
your limits with !blocklimit mylimit.
Lost Ship try !grids list
Try the Tesla/Wifi Devices range is 500m on each
NPC's now clean every restart so be aware of taking over npc near restarts.
Vanilla trade stations every friday 00:00 please do not use SpaceStation as a grid name.
If voxels become a problem Please try (!entities refresh) do not do this while seated as it will crash the client.
ores not Showing? please go to ShaderCache2 folders in your user/roaming folder of the game. and in the steam install
folder of the game aswell. And remove them.
Restarts are 6:10am/6:10pm 12:10am/12:10pm Also Asteroids reset every Tuesday and Saturday at 00:00
Use /shield ShowOnHud add to Show Shield on Hud.

Shipyard And Hanger Mod Is Added please find the commands on the discord channel

Please be sure to add a Antenna to any grid that you create also 10 blocks or more fully built .

each time you crash a ship.... you owe your first born

If Npcs Despawn before you get chance to grind them down or capture them then you obviously are not fast enough. Just
try some nice Clang Kola and we will talk about it some more after you have finished your in take of sugary
(WTFwhocaresness). Cleaning of the NPC's are not set in stone yet

If you must get rid of stone use dusters if you just dump them you will be warned.

If Torch happens to crash and things are not recoverable i am not held liable Or if you Die and can not get back to your
ship please respawn and select from the spawn menu providing you have added a med bay / survival kit

Please remember while using the drill and fills to be sure to have a big enough cargo for the stones

Help Required Please submit a ticket to our Support section on discord
(3 Strike Rule in place Fail to follow the rules the third time you will be banned) Do not use stupid PCU on grids we will chat about it if you do.
1. (Rename Any Grids You Make !! This makes for better and easier cleanups)
2. Drop pods are set to despawn on logoff
3. Please Remember to name your grids as no named grids can be wiped This includes Grid, Static, Small, Large
4. Use only 5-7 Small drills each please Or Big Drills 5 Each
5. Grid Limits are set for a reason
6. Restarts every 6:10am/6:10pm and 12:10am/12:10pm
7. please be sure to tick keep blueprint And select show buildable only.
8. Stay With in a 10K Distance From Players Unless they say other wise and no Griefing of any kind this will result in warnings for all Faction members beacons
can be set to 10K only
9. No Swearing in the Global Channel as it can get a bit out of hand.

To Skip Prog simply type the first command to reset prog enter the last command.

discord :
Please Join the Discord

Warning: If you do not logon to the server with in 10 days your grid will be deleted if you have a reason for not being on please let me know via discord.
kind regards staff team at ResGamingInc servers

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 25 Faction Modded PvP Survival Torch